Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a legacy will help music to flourish in communities across the UK

Thank you for your interest in supporting Making Music by leaving a gift to us in your will. Making Music is a charity dedicated to empowering everyone, whatever their background, to come together in their community to make or present their kind of music.

Your gift will help us offer more support, and be accessible and available to as many people as possible, whatever the size of their financial pocket.

What we do

At Making Music, we:

  • support music groups in practical ways: advice, templates, contracts, training, information and more
  • offer artistic opportunities to help them grow and be ambitious
  • connect music groups with each other and a wider network
  • make the case for leisure-time music-making and hobby musicians, campaigning and influencing on issues that affect leisure-time music such as child licensing
  • celebrate the breadth and variety of musical activity in all communities around the UK

Find out more by downloading our legacy document, which explains the different types of legacies you can leave, and how to set one up.

If you would like to talk to us about leaving a legacy, contact us at info@makingmusic.org.uk