How do I make a complaint? | Making Music

How do I make a complaint?

Our aim is to always provide a high standard of service to you. However, we recognise that things can go wrong occasionally and if this occurs, we are committed to ensuring matters are resolved promptly and fairly. If you wish to complain please contact Finch in any of the following ways using the contact details below: 

  • in writing (please mark your correspondence as ‘Complaint’);  
  • by e-mail (please mark your correspondence as ‘Complaint’); 
  • by telephone; or 
  • in person. 

You can call Finch on 0118 334 8868 or email 

In all cases, please quote your insurance policy number or any other reference we have given you. 

Finch will promptly acknowledge complaints on our behalf. Their complaints procedure is available on request and will be provided to you when they acknowledge receipt of any complaint that you make to us. 

The Financial Ombudsman Service 

If you feel that we have not been able to resolve any matter to your satisfaction after our complaints process or if you are unhappy with our decision, or one provided by Lloyd’s (where applicable) or if we did not complete our investigation and issue our final response letter within eight weeks, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (“FOS”) by post, phone or email.  

The Financial Ombudsman Service 
Exchange Tower 
E14 9SR 

0800 0234 567 or 0300 123 9 123 
