family arts | Making Music

family arts

Top tips for planning an event that’s Fantastic for Families

Fantastic for Families is a UK-wide initiative of exciting theatre, dance, music and visual arts events designed to increase family participation in arts and culture. Run by Family Arts Campaign and supported by Arts Council England, Fantastic for Families aims to get your event information in front of as many families as possible.

Top tips to reduce barriers for older audience members

Research by Age UK has confirmed what many of us have long suspected: that cultural engagement is the biggest contributing factor to wellbeing in later life. Member groups often provide just this kind of opportunity for engagement, but may not be aware of the barriers that can prevent people from getting involved.

Audience development case study: Bristol Choral Society 'Mini Messiah' concerts

Robert Convey of member group Bristol Choral Society explains how they have begun to create the audiences and music makers of the future with their Mini Messiah concerts.