ticket sales

Getting your prices right: what to think about and why

Putting a price on a loaf of bread, a new pair of shoes, or train ticket is something that everyone is used to doing. We expect prices to be associated with these things; we can compare one loaf of bread to another, understand the value of a pair of trainers compared to a pair of flip-flops, or take a train at a different time. Pricing of less material things, like the experience of being in or going to see a music group, can be trickier to navigate.

Increasing your income, part 2: Ticket sales and events income

This resource is part of our ‘Increasing your income’ guidance, which looks at ways to find and grow sustainable and diverse income for your group. It will focus on how to make the most of your event and ticket sales income to help put your group on a secure, long term financial footing.

This resource is broken down into two main sections: