Music for a Summer Evening

English Arts Chorale
Jonathan Lilley (accompanist)
Leslie Olive (conductor)

Elgar: Sea Pictures
Lauridsen: Nocturnes
Stanford: The Blue Bird
Britten: Five Flower Songs
and other pieces by:
Beach, Chilcott, Daley, Finzi, Rutter and Sullivan

followed by end of season party (tickets £15)


Event date: 
Saturday, 6 July 2024 - 6:00pm
Ticket Prices: 
£12, 16, 20; concessions £6 Tickets available from: link for tickets below; website; phone 01737 762097; or on the door. End of season party tickets £15 also available, see website.
St Mary’s Church
Chart Lane
RH2 7RN Reigate, Surrey
United Kingdom