Farnham Festival FundRaiser - HMS Pinafore and Trial by Jury - Come and Sing

Come and Sing just for the fun of it!  Well sort of we are raising money for the Farnham Festival which is an annual young people's festival that provides young people with the opportunity to perform in a professional arts venue music that has been written especially for them.  We are performing HMS Pinafore and Trial by Jury on the back of a single sing through.  We will be using scores will be accompanied by pianos and costumes are of a nautical and legal flavour provided by participants.

It will be wonderful. The money we raise will allow us to stage the next festival which , last year saw over 1000 young people to perform.  It will also help us to put all our commissioned works on to Sibelius so that we have it readily available for perfomance from score as opposed to old manuscript!

Event date: 
Saturday, 15 September 2018 - 12:45pm to 10:00pm
Ticket Prices: 
£10 to £15
United Kingdom