Hague String Trio - Justyna Briefjes (violin); Julia Dinerstein (viola): Miriam Kirby ('cello)

Justyna, Julia and Miriam founded the Hague String Trio in 2006 and have since performed to great acclaim all over Europe. In Seaton they will perform works by Haydn and Beethoven as well as by Dame Ethel Smyth and Emmy Frensel Wegener. 

The Trio's latest CD, 'Celebrating Women!' is a collection of previously unrecorded string trios by female composers from the late 19th and first half of the 20th century. Again receiving many positive reviews, the album was awarded 5 stars by Pizzicato, and the reviewer from MusicWeb International writes  ‘professionals to their fingertips…the performances are excellent’. Both CDs were selected as CD of the week in the radio programme Passaggio on NPO Radio 4.

Event date: 
Thursday, 22 February 2024 - 7:30pm
Ticket Prices: 
£18 - Adults - unallocated seating; FREE for uner-19s and full-time students
Gateway Theatre
Fore Street
EX12 2LD Seaton
United Kingdom