Bassetlaw - Councillor Community Grants | Making Music

Bassetlaw - Councillor Community Grants

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Bassetlaw District Council


The Fund aims to provide general grant support to the community that will benefit the socio-economic culture and environment of Bassetlaw. Each District Councillor is allocated a small budget and has the discretion to award grants to community activities that will benefit the community within their respective electoral ward areas.

The activity must be located within the Bassetlaw District or be of significant benefit to people living in Bassetlaw.

The application should demonstrate:

  • A need for the activity
  • A need for financial assistance
  • Local Community support
  • Local benefit in line with Bassetlaw District Council corporate strategies
  • Measurable benefit
  • Environmental sustainability

Applications that address the Council’s corporate ambitions are more likely to be successful in their bid for funding.  The priorities are as follows:

  • A Viable Co-operative Council
  • Local Growth
  • Quality Housing and Decent Neighbourhoods
  • Local Living Standards