The R. W. Mann Trust | Making Music

The R. W. Mann Trust

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
The R. W. Mann Trust

The Trust has a preference for supporting organisations in the North Tyneside, South East Northumberland and in the East Newcastle areas. In certain circumstances we may assist those operating in the wider Tyne, Wear, Durham and Northumberland areas if we consider that they offer exceptional added value to their communities or are particularly innovative. Support to national organisations will only be given where there is a specific project in the area in which we operate.

The Trust will give priority to projects and groups which:
Operate in the area shown above
• Are locally run and led
• Help people with the greatest need
• Involve disadvantaged and minority groups
Improve the quality of life in their community
Are in the public interest

The Trust has made grants of between £100 and £10,000 but the average size of grant awarded is £1000.