Southampton City Council Community Chest | Making Music

Southampton City Council Community Chest

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Southampton City Council


Community Chest is the council's small grant scheme. Grants of between £100 and £2,500 are available for small, volunteer led community groups.

Community and voluntary organisations with an annual income of less than £250,000 supporting Southampton city residents are eligible to apply. Organisations with an annual income of less than £50,000 have priority.

Applicants must demonstrate that members/attendees make contributions towards the group/project unless there are exceptional circumstances not to do so.

Applications will normally only be considered from voluntary groups and organisations that:

  • Are properly constituted and can demonstrate that their practices and structures are representative of all relevant interests and are clearly accountable to users, beneficiaries and members
  • Can demonstrate the proper conduct of their officers both general and financial and that they keep proper books of accounts together with full written records indicating how any grant monies are used
  • Adhere to all equalities legislation and work in line with Southampton City Council’s Equality Policy
  • Are not wholly reliant on Southampton City Council grants and can demonstrate that they receive or are seeking funding from other sources
  • Can demonstrate the involvement of volunteers in their activities
  • Where appropriate, will agree to Southampton City Council nominee(s) on the managing body in an observer status
  • Where appropriate a national or regional organisation can demonstrate that there is a specific benefit to Southampton which is not being offered by a local organisation