
The Alfred Williams Charitable Trust

The Alfred Williams Charitable Trust offers grants to local voluntary and community groups in Suffolk only.

Preference is given to projects that preserve or regenerate the built heritage, amenity and landscape of the county. Funding will also be given to social causes either for start-up projects, or for modest on-going support to groups involved in voluntary care, education, theatre, music and youth and community projects.

The R. W. Mann Trust

The Trust has a preference for supporting organisations in the North Tyneside, South East Northumberland and in the East Newcastle areas. In certain circumstances we may assist those operating in the wider Tyne, Wear, Durham and Northumberland areas if we consider that they offer exceptional added value to their communities or are particularly innovative. Support to national organisations will only be given where there is a specific project in the area in which we operate.

Awards for All England

Awards for All England is a Big Lottery Fund grant scheme for local communities. There are different schemes in each of the four countries.

Awards for All England makes grants of between £300 and £10,000 to organisations wanting to run projects that aim to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need.

PRS for Music Foundation - Funding for Organisations and Groups

The scheme is intended to help support, sustain and promote the growth of the new music infrastructure in the UK. The Foundation's funding priorities are: • To support the creation and performance of outstanding new music in any genre. • To develop artists to their full potential. • To inspire audiences UK-wide.

Grants are available to organisations and groups in the UK working in any genre of new music.

Old Possum’s Practical Trust

The Trust‘s mission is to manage the funds at its disposal to support literary, artistic, musical and theatrical projects and organisations.

The amount of each grant usually falls within the range of £500 to £5,000. However, the Trustees retain the right to give discretionary grants, and development grants, outside this amount, but do so only in exceptional circumstances.

We Decide Youth Fund

Funding is available for projects that benefit the local community and where the majority of participants are Southern Housing Group residents.

The funding can be for a range of projects, including costs for community fun days, day trips or residential, dance classes, training and/or employment projects, music courses, sports activities, arts projects, IT classes, buying equipment, improving local services for young people and special events to showcase talent.

Yelvertoft Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund

The Yelvertoft Windfarm Community Benefit Fund has been established on behalf of AES Wind Generation. It will be available for the 25 year lifetime of the Yelvertoft Wind Farm and will be administered by the Northamptonshire Community Foundation.

Funding is available for a range of charitable, educational, environmental and general community amenity projects which will benefit residents in the local communities around the wind farm site.

West Devon - Community Projects Grants

West Devon Borough Council is committed to helping community groups to access support for local projects.

The Community Projects Grants Scheme is available to local community groups, towns and parishes for a wide range of local community projects that will provide benefits to local residents

Grants of between £100 and £5,000 or 50% of the total project costs (whichever is the lower) are available.
In exceptional circumstances, grants of up to £10,000 may be considered.

West Berkshire - Community Plus Fund

The Community Plus Fund, formerly known as the Housing Plus Fund, is a partnership between West Berkshire Council, Sovereign Housing, A2 Housing Group, Catalyst Housing Group and Testaway Housing. West Berkshire Council administers the scheme on behalf of its partners.

The Fund aims to provide small but positive changes to help enhance the lives of local people living in housing association areas.

The Fund offers two levels of grant assistance:
• Small grants of up to £500.
• Large grants of up to £4,000.