Yorkshire Music Library saved (once again!) | Making Music

Yorkshire Music Library saved (once again!)

Fresh fears for the future of the Yorkshire Music Library have now been allayed with the announcement by Leeds Council that its Music and Performing Arts Library will take on the resource.

After the creation of the Yorkshire Music Library (under social enterprise Fresh Horizons) in 2012, the vast collection of over 300,000 musical scores, so crucial to the amateur and youth music sectors, went from strength to strength under its young music librarian, Sophie Anderson.

Latterly it had been hiring music to over 1,100 users throughout the UK, so there was widespread concern when Fresh Horizons ceased operating a few weeks ago, putting the future of the Yorkshire Music Library once more at risk.

It has now been announced that Leeds council is coming to the rescue and that the material will in future be available via Leeds’ Music and Performing Arts Library.

It will take a little while to get the service up and running again, but staff are hoping to be able to deal with existing requests very soon and are working on having an interim service up and running as quickly as possible. The priority at the moment is clearing the backlog of the last few weeks, before focussing on how the service will function in the future.

In the meantime, if you have a query about a reservation you made or about returning material, you can contact the music library in Leeds on musiclibrary@leeds.gov.uk.