Register your interest in Creative Tax Reliefs (CTR)

About you

Your first name*

Your last name*

Your email*

Your group*

Is your group a member of Making Music?

As you type, this box will autofill with Making Music member groups that you are a member of. If your group does not appear, check your dashboard to see whether you have linked your Making Music account to your group. If not, click here to request to join:

Please note: if you selected 'yes' above we will share your email address you have provided in this form with someone who claims CTR for a Making Music member group.

What is the name of your group or organisation? 

We will not use your data for any purpose other than sending emails about the Creative Tax Relief service as requested above.

If you have asked to be put in contact with another member group above we will share the email address you provided in this form with someone who cliams CTR for a Making Music member group. Other than this we will never pass your details to any third parties.

You can contact us at any time to update any of your mailing preferences or the information we hold on you.