MM Platform App | Making Music

MM Platform App

Making Music are happy to announce the launch of the new MM Platform app, available in the Apple App store or on Google Play. It’s now easier for your members to access the main features of your MM Platform’s members area using the app. The MM Platform App is only available to groups who are using the MM Platform Service. If your group are not currently using the MM Platform Service and would like more information then do take a look at the MM Platform service page.

Which features are included in the app?

The app is designed for your group members (group administrators and webmasters will still need to edit their MM Platforms via the website). It includes the following functionalities:

  • Access to the music library
    • Members will be able to view and download sheet music and listen to learning tracks
  • Event Calendar and Availability notifications
    • Members can view the group's Event Calendar​​
    • Members can be notified about events using push notifications
    • Members can indicate their availability for any event
  • Playlists
    • Exclusive to the app and not available in the website version of MM Platforms
    • Create playlists of your learning tracks with no limit to the number of tracks included on each playlist
  • Access to the Bulletin Board/Documents
    • Members can view and download files, documents and news available on the bulletin board/documents section of your group’s Platform
  • Assessments
    • Members can view and listen to any recordings submitted for past assessments
    • Members can submit a new recording for an assessment
  • Event attendance
    • This feature is only available through the app and allows members to record their attendance at an event by scanning the event’s QR code. The group can print out a QR code and make it available for members to scan at each event to mark their attendance
  • Update personal details
    • Members can update their personal information such as email address phone number and email preferences.
  • One click link to the group’s full website in case the member needs to use a tool not available on the app

We will add more functions as we develop the app further.

How much does the app cost?

Access to the app costs £36 per year, per group. Once you have paid the fee, any member of your group can download the MM Platform app for free and connect to your website. Your members can then log into the App as they usually would to access the available features.

How can we add the app?

If you would like to add the app for your group, please email us on We will then send you an invoice and once we receive payment, we will enable the app for your group’s use. Your members can then download the app from either the Google Play store or Apple store and connect to your group's Platform.

We hope you find this Making Music resource useful. If you have any comments or suggestions about the guidance please contact us. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the content of this guidance is accurate and up to date, Making Music do not warrant, nor accept any liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the content, or for any loss which may arise from reliance on the information contained in it.