
Displaying 13 - 24 of 241 results
Traditional concert environments are not always the easiest places for people to come in, but by thinking creatively we can remove...
This agreement, reached between the Musicians' Union and Making Music in 2017, and updated in 2018, 2021, 2022 and 2023,...
Guidance, Video/audio, Open resource, Overview
At the heart of your music making is the people, whether that's members, potential members or audiences. But if you're...
This page forms part of the Making Music Platform help guides for existing users of the Service. On this page you will be able to view...
Guidance, Video/audio
Our fourth meeting in our Climate Network series (original event 4 July 2023) saw contributions from the Scottish Classical...
Guidance, Discounts and subsidies, Open resource, Overview
Booking professional musicians can be financially challenging for many leisure-time groups. Making Music offers members specially...
Finding new members for your group requires commitment and effort over a prolonged period of time. So, once they have joined, it...
Recruiting new members is the biggest challenge leisure-time music groups face. Unfortunately, this is not an exact science and...
There are many circumstances that might prompt someone to join a music group. Understanding how people find you and what might be...
It's important to understand how your group might appeal to potential members. Your current members are your recruitment success...
Once you have a better understanding of your current members, it's time to look at how you can use this information to understand...
So far you have defined your recruitment aims (Part 1), reviewed your joining process (Part 2), understood what your current members...