Return to rehearsal survey

Please type your group name in the box below and select it from the pop-up list: *

When the ease of restrictions allows your group to meet again, will you feel comfortable returning to rehearsals? *

Please select which age range you are in:

What concerns do you have about returning?

If you are comfortable doing so, please tell us your risk status. Find out more about high and moderate risk status. 

When do you think you will feel safe coming back to rehersals?

Are there any other conditions/situations that would help you feel comfortable returning?

Social distancing is no longer required. Please tell us which level of social distancing below you would be most comfortable with 

What other measures would you like to see in place for in-person rehearsals? (tick all that apply)

Are there any other measures you would like to see implemented?

In this section we want to ask about vaccines 

Please select the option below that applies to you:

Groups cannot require that everyone must have a vaccine to attend a rehearsal.

Please tell us how you feel about attending rehearsals in relation to the vaccination

Please tell us if and how you use Lateral flow tests (LFTs) - tick all that apply 

If we do return to some in-person rehearsing and you decide not to, would you be interested in any of the following?

If you would like to discuss returning to rehearsal in more detail with the committee / management team please enter your name here:

Privacy Statement 

The data you provide in this survey will be sent to the committee / management team of your music group. The data will be anonymous unless you have decided to enter your name. 

Making Music will have access to the anonymous data you have provided. If you have included your name, we will have access to this too, but will not use it for any purpose, other than passing it to your group’s committee / management team. We will not hold the data for more than 6 months.