design | Making Music


Tips for designing a website for your group, part 1: Planning

We know that designing, or redesigning, a website can be a scary task. But with time, some thought and a bit of creativity, almost anyone can produce a good website. If you can use Word or Facebook or Google, you can do this too!

In part one of our three-part guide on creating a website, we'll cover the important bit that often gets left out: planning!

Top tips for email marketing, part 2: Building a great email

In part 2 of this guidance on email marketing we'll cover what to include in your email, how to make a great subject line and how to measure success.

Part 1: Getting started and building a list | Part 2: Building a great email

Tips for designing a website for your group, part 2: Design and copy

Now that you've worked out what you and your users both need on your website (see part 1), you're ready to move on to what it might look like and how you might display your content to users. Whether you're creating it from scratch, choosing a ready-made template or paying a professional, these tips will help you evaluate your design options and make your site as effective as possible.

Free event poster templates

If you struggle to put together posters for your concerts, we've created these templates in Word to help you on the way.