Orchestra Tax Relief | Making Music

Orchestra Tax Relief

Chairs and leaders meet up (online event)

The responsibility that lies with Chairs and other leaders of music organisations can feel overwhelming, particularly in times of change. Making Music is hosting this meetup so you can connect with others in the same role, and talk about your challenges and successes. 


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Instrumental)

About the event:

This is an online meet-up for Making Music members which are instrumental groups. 

The meeting will include an update on Making Music’s advocacy and lobbying work and a detailed look, with the opportunity to ask questions, at our 2022 Big Survey reports, four of which have now been published. We will also highlight any new services or resources since we last met in the autumn. 


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Vocal)

This is an online meet-up for Making Music members which are instrumental groups. 

The meeting will include an update on Making Music’s advocacy and lobbying work and a detailed look, with the opportunity to ask questions, at our 2022 Big Survey reports, four of which have now been published. We will also highlight any new services or resources since we last met in the autumn. 


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Promoters)

This is an online meet-up for Making Music members which are promoters, including festivals, music clubs and promoting groups. 

The meeting will include an update on our lobbying and advocacy work and take a closer look, with the opportunity to ask questions, at our 2022 Big Survey reports, four of which have now been published.  


United Kingdom

Making the most of your Making Music membership (online event)


Your Making music membership offers a wealth of benefits. They are designed to support you running your music group, to save time, effort and money, as well as offer ideas and inspiration.

But are you making the most of your membership? In this event we will explain what you have access to - and how we can help.

We'll talk about some of the main benefits:


United Kingdom

Learn more about choirs and Orchestra Tax Relief (online event)

Over the last 20 years governments have introduced various creative tax reliefs to enable organisations to claim back some of their production costs. Two of these – Orchestra Tax Relief and Theatre Tax Relief – are already being used by Making Music members to claim back an average 23% of their concert and event costs. Especially now that a higher rate of relief has been made permanent in the spring budget, these tax reliefs can make a significant contribution to groups’ budgets and facilitate growth and activity.



United Kingdom

Increasing the income stream: an OTR case study

Dr Alice Carter, treasurer of Henley Symphony Orchestra, explains how claiming Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) has bridged the income gap in difficult financial times

Why did your group decide to claim OTR?

The financial benefit is substantial. This has kept us afloat through some very challenging times. We lost a major sponsor a few years ago and OTR has kept us going!

Orchestra Tax Relief overview: What it is, who can benefit and how we can help

Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) is a government initiative for instrumental groups (not only orchestras!) where you could receive a payment from HMRC equal to a percentage of your production costs.

Despite being called 'Orchestra Tax Relief':

  • the initiative can apply to many types of instrumental group – so don’t be put off if your group is not a traditional orchestra 
  • you don’t have to be paying tax to claim it.   

Groups who put on eligible performances can submit a claim to HMRC each year for the payment. 

Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) overview - webinar

This online webinar will introduce you to Orchestra Tax Relief, a new source of income for instrumental groups with 12 or more performers, explaining what it is and how your group can benefit from it.


You can find out more about OTR, including whether you are eligible and how to claim, in our resources:

Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR), part 1: Is it for you?

This introduction is the first of three documents on Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR). It gives you an overview of what it is and how it works, and an overall idea if this is something your group would like to look into.

To help you decide we also have two additional documents –