Working with young people

Open meeting for leisure-time instrumental ensemble conductors (online event)

Making Music has been approached to host a meeting for instrumental ensemble conductors, to facilitate a discussion on development, training and mentoring needs and opportunities.

There are training organisations and networks for vocal group leaders, but none for conductors of leisure-time instrumental groups (except brass band conductors).


United Kingdom

Bigger Better Brains – Using neuroscience to advocate for music (online event)

About the event: 

Scientific research by neuroscientists and psychologists proves that learning and playing music is good for your brain, whenever you start. But how can we use the science to persuade more people to take part, or to draw in the support our groups’ need? Our guest speaker Dr Anita Collins will talk about neuromusical research on the benefits for adult musicians, and how to use this information to boost our advocacy.  


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Northern Ireland)


Running your group is a rewarding but challenging role. Our regular meetups are a chance for you to meet and share learning and ideas with other Northern Ireland groups facing similar challenges, explore specific issues affecting leisure-time music making in Northern Ireland and consider how we can work collaboratively to find solutions and advocate for the sector. 

Stephen McNally, Northern Ireland manager, will be leading this session.


In this meetup we'll:


United Kingdom

Removing barriers to concerts (online event)

If you’re working on bringing new people into your concert audiences, tackling access barriers can help open doors. As part of our Access and Inclusion programme, this event will suggest actions you can take to attract a wider diversity of people to your concerts and what you can do to welcome and include people in this new experience.



United Kingdom

Case study: Working with young people via Music Hubs

Peter Morris, Music Director of Wolverhampton Symphony Orchestra and former Chair of Wolverhampton City Music Education Hub, tells us about the symphony orchestra working together with the city's youth orchestra, via the music hub.


Wolverhampton Symphony Orchestra (WSO) is a thriving group now celebrating its 50th anniversary. We have around 70 regular players and have always had a strong relationship with the city’s music service through the number of instrumental teachers who have played with the orchestra.

Conversations about inclusion: Music and Autism (online event)

To fully include everyone in our music activities, we need to understand the barriers that stop people from attending, taking part or progressing. In the Conversation about inclusion series of events, hear about the issues from the perspective of those who directly experience barriers and discuss what we can do to change things from within our own music groups.


United Kingdom

Welcome new people: building diversity and inclusion (online event)

If you’d like your group and your audience to be more diverse and inclusive, thinking about how you recruit and welcome people is crucial. And if you want to increase your membership and your audiences, recruiting and welcoming new people in a way that is inclusive means you’ve more chance of success. Whatever your driver, there are actions you can take that will remove the barriers to joining your activity and provide access to more people. 


United Kingdom

Webinar recording: MMSafe - BOPA for Child Performance Licensing

In this recording of our webinar, we introduced the new Making Music Safe service in partnership with Brass Bands England (BBE), which will provide members with the information and tools required to comply with legislation around child performance.

MMSafe safeguarding service

The tailor-made child licensing service, making it easier for you to include young people in your performances

What is MMSafe?

Making Music's MMSafe service offers members access to a national BOPA (Body of Persons Approval) covering England and Wales, administered by Brass Bands England but for all types of music groups, as a low admin option. This comprehensive programme provides you with all the necessary resources, tools and training you need to navigate the challenges of safeguarding for your leisure-time music group.

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

This resource is about using Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks in England and Wales as part of safeguarding when working with people and groups at risk, such as children or vulnerable adults. 

For broader information on the topic of safeguarding children, see our guidance covering the main principles and your responsibilities.