The Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity | Making Music

The Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
The Gwendoline and Margaret Davies Charity
Beneficiary type: 


Grants available to UK charities with particular favour given to Wales for projects in the arts, health and young people.

The charity funds a variety of purposes with special consideration to the arts, health and young people.  In previous years grants have been given, for example, to North Powys Youth Orchestra.  

Grants are available up to £28,000 mainly on a one-off basis.

There are no application forms.  To apply send a letter to the address below setting out the reason for requesting funding, the type of activity, costs, amount raised so far and a copy of the last audited accounts.

Susan Hamer, Secretary, The Offices, Plas Dolerw, Milford Road, Newtown, Powys SY16 2EH.