£15,000+ | Page 5 | Making Music


Hugh Fraser Foundation


Grants are available to non-profit organisations for charitable work in the UK, with a preference for Scotland.  The Trustees favour smaller, more focused causes rather than large highly-publicised appeals.

Grants are made to non-profit organisations for charitable purposes. The Trustees' focus is on making grants to charitable bodies to assist them with their work.

Graham Kirkham Foundation


Grants are available for charitable organisations carrying out education, welfare or community projects in the UK.

The Graham Kirkham Foundation aims to fund a wide range of projects, including those focusing on the promotion or development of the study and/or appreciation of literature, art, music or science.

Registered charities and voluntary organisations in the UK are eligible to apply.

Although there are no minimum or maximum funding levels stated, most grants are in the £4,000 to £5,000 range with several larger grants being awarded.

ASDA Foundation


Capital grants are available to charities and not-for-profit organisations in the UK for local charitable projects and activities that benefit the wider community, address local needs and make a significant difference to the local community.

The funding is for registered charities, community groups, voluntary organisations and other not-for-profit organisations in the UK who are willing to work with their local ASDA colleagues. The support and involvement of local ASDA colleagues is a requirement.

The Gaynor Cemlyn-Jones Trust


One-off grants available to registered charities in North Wales and Anglesey for a variety of activities including the study and promotion of music.

The charity provides one-off grants of £100 upwards to registered charities in North Wales and Anglesey.  The charities interests are broad and include conservation, medical research and animal welfare, and also include the study and promotion of music.

Ward Blenkinsop Trust


Grants are available for registered charities and voluntary bodies undertaking general charitable activities in England and Wales.

The Ward Blenkinsop Trust offers grants for charitable purposes as the Trustees see fit.
The funding is intended for the following:

  • General charitable purposes.
  • Education and training.
  • Advancement of health or saving of lives.
  • Arts, culture, heritage and science.

Fund Value: £90,000.
No minimum or maximum grant value provided.

Windsor and Maidenhead – Revenue Grants and Kidwells Park Trust Grants


Funding is intended to support local voluntary organisations with their annual revenue expenses.

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead is the Trustee of the Kidwells Park Trust. Grants from the Trust are to be used "to assist in providing facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead". It is aimed particularly at increasing cultural activity.

To be eligible organisations must have:

Ballinger Charitable Trust


Grants available for charities, voluntary organisations and community groups for projects that support young people, older people, or the arts and culture in the North East of England.

The Ballinger Charitable Trust has been offering grants to charities, voluntary organisations and community groups in the North East of England since 1994.
The Trust gives grants to local projects that:

The Hervey Benham Charitable Trust


Grants and support available for individuals to develop musical skills and for groups to develop their role in the area of Colchester and North East Essex.

The Trust supports artistic (particularly musical) activities which benefit the people of Colchester and district, and individuals with potential artistic (especially musical) talent who are held back by physical, environmental or financial disability;

Grants awarded range from tens of pounds to a few thousand.  

Partnerships funding


Grants are awarded for up to five years and we can fund project activities, operating costs, organisational development and capital costs.

We’re really interested in hearing your ideas. Whether they’re big or small, tell us what you think will improve your community.

Partnerships funding is specifically designed to support generous leadership and increased collaborative working, which starts with shared goals and values between different organisations and an understanding of the bigger picture.