Making Music Group Representative Declaration | Making Music

Making Music Group Representative Declaration

Not sure what an MM Group Rep is? Find out more from our guidance on getting the most from your membership.

Declaration for Full group members

Making Music is a company limited by guarantee; this means that representatives of Full members are legally ‘owners’ of the organisation.  By accepting the role of Making Music Group representative for your group, you as an individual become a member, rather than your group itself (although to all practical intents and purposes we treat your group as the member). As an ‘owner’ you are:

  • Entitled to vote at the Making Music AGM including the election of our Board of Directors;
  • obliged to pay a maximum of £1, payable only in the unlikely event of Making Music facing bankruptcy.

By agreeing to this declaration, I, as a member of the applying group, agree to become the Making Music Group Representative. As a member of Making Music, the National Federation of Music Societies, I agree to contribute a maximum of £1, payable only in the event of Making Music facing bankruptcy. I also confirm that all details provided in joining are correct.

Declaration for Associate group members

By agreeing to this declaration, I agree to become the Making Music Group Representative and confirm that all details provided in joining are correct.