Posted on 25 September 2015
Cor World Choir is bringing together 20,000 voices from all over the world for a concert in Cardiff’s Millennium stadium on Saturday 21 May...
Posted on 25 September 2015
Making Music were thrilled to be approached by member The Brighton Early Music Festival about a new scheme they have funding for which is now...
Posted on 24 September 2015
When you’re a London music critic, going to the Proms becomes a temporary change in life. You give up on the Southbank and the Barbican,...
Posted on 24 September 2015
Can you get involved? Are you already connected to your local youth choir, music education hub or school? Could this be an opportunity to make a link...
Posted on 19 September 2015
I was surprised and delighted to be selected to take part in Making Music’s Adopt a Composer scheme. It’s a great opportunity to work...
Posted on 11 September 2015
Pavilions for Music - bringing bandstands back to life
It was during the middle to late Victorian era as a response to the need for bringing leisure...
Posted on 30 July 2015
The hope is that choirs of all shapes and sizes will participate; amateur, professional, long established, or created specifically for the day. So if...
Posted on 30 July 2015
A few years ago I reached retirement age and had to step down from my job, even though I didn’t want to. This wouldn’t be legal nowadays...
Posted on 22 July 2015
The contract is for groups engaging with self-employed MDs. As you will see from the guidance notes, it is intended as starting point for...
Posted on 14 July 2015
Opera Anywhere has been touring opera productions since 2000, we’re a registered charity and have a growing reputation for creative, innovative...
Posted on 9 July 2015
As a guest representing Making Music, it was a delight to join this very friendly chorus for the day and to be guided through the work by NLC patron...
Posted on 1 July 2015
Pop-up Opera is an innovative touring opera company dedicated to making opera inviting and enjoyable for a broader audience, without losing the...