Campaigns and advocacy | Making Music

Campaigns and advocacy

Chairs and leaders meet up (online event)

The responsibility that lies with Chairs and other leaders of music organisations can feel overwhelming, particularly in times of change. Making Music is hosting this meetup so you can connect with others in the same role, and talk about your challenges and successes. 


United Kingdom

Celebrating INCLUDE: what we’ve learnt about inclusion in music groups (online event)

Join us to celebrate the INCLUDE programme! Find out what we’ve learnt about inclusion in music groups, hear real-life examples from Making Music members, and be the first to know about our brand-new set of resources.  


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Instrumental)

About the event:

This is an online meet-up for Making Music members which are instrumental groups. 

The meeting will include an update on Making Music’s advocacy and lobbying work and a detailed look, with the opportunity to ask questions, at our 2022 Big Survey reports, four of which have now been published. We will also highlight any new services or resources since we last met in the autumn. 


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Vocal)

This is an online meet-up for Making Music members which are instrumental groups. 

The meeting will include an update on Making Music’s advocacy and lobbying work and a detailed look, with the opportunity to ask questions, at our 2022 Big Survey reports, four of which have now been published. We will also highlight any new services or resources since we last met in the autumn. 


United Kingdom

Online member meetup (Promoters)

This is an online meet-up for Making Music members which are promoters, including festivals, music clubs and promoting groups. 

The meeting will include an update on our lobbying and advocacy work and take a closer look, with the opportunity to ask questions, at our 2022 Big Survey reports, four of which have now been published.  


United Kingdom

Conversations about inclusion: Health conditions (online event)

To fully include everyone in our music activities, we need to understand the barriers that stop people from attending, taking part or progressing. In the Conversation about inclusion series of events, hear about the issues from the perspective of those who directly experience barriers and discuss what we can do to change things from within our own music groups. 


United Kingdom

Applying for funding (online event)

Many leisure-time music groups regularly consider making project fund applications to arts councils, trusts or foundations whilst others are considering it for the first time. This event will walk you through some of the usual things you can expect, and equip you with some best practice and tips to set you up for a much better chance of success, whether you're applying for £250 or for £250,000!


We'll talk about:


United Kingdom


In the spring edition of Highnotes, we explore the effects of menopause on the singing voice and ways to address them, present the fourth report from the Big Survey 2022, and share insights from government participation data. Plus, Samir Savant, CEO of St George’s Bristol, discusses a groundbreaking project on music and mental health.

Webinar recording: Climate Change Network

Our sixth meeting in our Climate Network series (original event 2 December 2024) discussed some of the latest success stories from our member groups who have implemented more sustainable practices into the ways they work.

The speakers for this event were:

Webinar recording: Bigger Better Brains – using neuroscience to advocate for music

Dr Anita Collins, a researcher and educator, talked about neuro-musical research on the benefits for adult musicians, and how to use this information to boost our advocacy (original event 9 Oct 2024).