Community cohesion

Marsh Charitable Trust


The Marsh Charitable Trust focuses on providing funding which could help small organisations pay for various running costs, such as volunteer expenses, training days, equipment maintenance and other core outgoings.

Our funding strategy is to provide long-term core funding for such costs, as we understand that many of the organisations we support depend on unrestricted income in order to meet their operating needs.

Cuthbert Horn Trust


The Cuthbert Horn Trust is a small trust with a limited amount of funding that it provides to registered charities.

The funding is intended to support charitable organisations undertaking general charitable purposes. Previous grants have been for a range of activities such as conservation, education, environmental protection, help for disadvantaged children, music, research and transport.

Voluntary and community organisations operating in the UK are eligible to apply.

Applications should be made in writing with details of the project to:

Calmcott Trust


The Calmcott Trust offers grants to charitable organisations active in the UK, particularly Yorkshire.

The scheme is intended to support organisations undertaking projects in the following areas:

  • Health.
  • Education.
  • Social welfare.
  • The arts.

Applicants should note that the Trust does not maintain a website or an email address. The value of funding is at the discretion of the Trustees.

Applications must be made in writing to: