Older people | Page 8 | Making Music

Older people

The R. W. Mann Trust

The Trust has a preference for supporting organisations in the North Tyneside, South East Northumberland and in the East Newcastle areas. In certain circumstances we may assist those operating in the wider Tyne, Wear, Durham and Northumberland areas if we consider that they offer exceptional added value to their communities or are particularly innovative. Support to national organisations will only be given where there is a specific project in the area in which we operate.

Sutton Coldfield Charitable Trust

The Charity's origins go directly back to Bishop Vesey, a native of Sutton Coldfield who persuaded Henry VIII to grant a Charter in 1528 establishing a Warden and Society (Corporation) to govern the town. In 1886, the town became a Borough and Sutton Coldfield Charities was set up, taking over the various Corporation Charities within one body. This operated alongside the Council.

Hinrichsen Foundation


The Hinrichsen Foundation was founded in 1976 by Mrs Carla Eddy Hinrichsen to ensure the continuation of the tradition of supporting contemporary music established by the Hinrichsen family as the proprietors of Edition Peters the music publishers, established more than 200 years ago in the German city of Leipzig.

Community Project Funding


MfA really know first-hand what an amazing affect making music can have on people’s lives. They see everything from disadvantaged young people blossoming at school through to older adults discovering music sometimes for the first time, much later on in life. In their view, EVERYONE should have the opportunity to learn to play music. Sadly, many people are not fortunate enough to have access to musical instruments or ways to help them to learn and discover.  This is where MfA come in.