Biiah | Making Music


Corporate member Biiah supports community and health through singing, committed to making singing with others inclusive, accessible and delightful.

Biiah is a technology platform that supports the development of community through group singing to help people flourish. Our mobile app currently supports both in-person and virtual coach-facilitated group singing, connecting users more intentionally with their singing journey and the positive impacts this important activity has on our holistic health.

Singing is an innate human expression that connects us, supporting our physical, social, and mental health. As we build a global community that centres singing for wellbeing, we are continually innovating new ways to empower groups and individuals to connect with the power of their voice. We’re committed to making singing with others inclusive, accessible and delightful - a future where every single person on the planet has access to making music.

Find out more about Biiah's current study

Find out more about Biiah on their website and follow them on LinkedIn

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