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Zoom: Troubleshooting audio issues

Many leisure-time music groups are now using Zoom for their rehearsals, performances and other activities, and are finding that some of their members are having issues with the audio – either they can’t hear, or they can’t be heard, or both!

These issues are down to a mixture of reasons. Zoom works by picking up sounds at certain frequencies, and cuts out when the frequencies go outside of these limits. As we all continue to work and socialise even more online, our internet connections and devices struggle with the demands being placed on them. 

Case study: Online rehearsals from scratch - St Helens Ladies’ Choir

Musical director of St Helens Ladies’ Choir, Patricia Lewis, describes her journey from having very little technological knowledge to running her choral group on Zoom during the pandemic.


After early retirement from running a busy school music department and working with operatic societies, in 2011 I started a daytime weekly ladies’ choir in St Helens where I live. Many of our members do not read music and were technically inexperienced. From within the big choir we have a smaller choral group which also performs separately.

Viewing a virtual performance

Usually in advance of the concert date you will receive a hyperlink to a webpage you'll visit to view the performance. Do check that you have this and click the link to confirm that it works ahead of the concert. You'll most likely be guided to a page indicating that you're in the correct place and to return on the date / time that the performance is scheduled for.

Take it away - Guide to buying adaptive musical instruments

Take it away work with music retailers to provide interest-free finance for the purchase of musical instruments and equipment, helping to ensure that more people can access instruments and learn to play.

Make Music Day online meetup

Make Music Day is the world's largest DIY music festival: a celebration of music that happens every year on 21 June! At Making Music, we love this project, connecting local activity to the wider world and helping us celebrate all the amazing music in our communities.


United Kingdom

Case study: Radlett Music Club holds interactive Zoom concert

Jonathan Gillams, chairman of promoter group Radlett Music Club, tells us about their experience hosting an interactive Zoom concert.

Video guide: Video editing for virtual performances

It's one of the most well-known pieces of editing software, but how exactly do you use Shotcut? In this easy-to-follow video guide you'll see the main features in action as we walk through the full process of editing a virtual performance using the free software

Making Music Platform Project Plan (Full website users)

Making Music have created a project plan to provide a bite-sized approach to building and designing your Platform. As each group is different this is by no means a rigid plan but aims to provide structure, a timeframe, as well as a clearer understanding of who is responsible for each part of the process. This plan has been designed specifically for those with the full website and not those who are using the members area only, however, some parts of the plan are applicable to both.

Webinar recording: Livestreaming solutions for rehearsing and performing

With socially-distanced rehearsals and performances set to continue for some time, livestreaming is an alternative option that can help you reach as many people as possible. In this webinar, we take a look at the process of livestreaming, talk through the different technology, platforms and software available, and discuss how to get the most from the experience.

The webinar covers:

Webinar recording: Video editing for virtual performances

Many leisure-time music groups have thought about creating a virtual performance for their members to take part in, but are unsure where to start or are unfamiliar with the software. In this webinar, we take a look at the process of editing the video, and demonstrate some of the software available.

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