Growing your group and audiences

Case study: Peterborough Sings toolkit

Peterborough Sings! has designed and evolved an effective model for recruiting new people into singing, with their project-based recruitment model delivering impressive results. This case study lays out how music groups can use the model to achieve their own recruitment goals.


Corporate member CHORALLY is a dedicated online community platform that connects the world of choral and vocal music.

Founded by Ian Clethero, who launched the project as he saw a need for a ‘go-to place’ online to make it easy for choir leaders, performing groups, singing enthusiasts and organisations around the world to find information and network with each other.

Making the most of your Making Music membership (online event)


Your Making music membership offers a wealth of benefits. They are designed to support you running your music group, to save time, effort and money, as well as offer ideas and inspiration.

But are you making the most of your membership? In this event we will explain what you have access to - and how we can help.

We'll talk about some of the main benefits:


United Kingdom

Conversations about inclusion: Music and Autism (online event)

To fully include everyone in our music activities, we need to understand the barriers that stop people from attending, taking part or progressing. In the Conversation about inclusion series of events, hear about the issues from the perspective of those who directly experience barriers and discuss what we can do to change things from within our own music groups.


United Kingdom

Welcome new people: building diversity and inclusion (online event)

If you’d like your group and your audience to be more diverse and inclusive, thinking about how you recruit and welcome people is crucial. And if you want to increase your membership and your audiences, recruiting and welcoming new people in a way that is inclusive means you’ve more chance of success. Whatever your driver, there are actions you can take that will remove the barriers to joining your activity and provide access to more people. 


United Kingdom

Learn more about choirs and Orchestra Tax Relief (online event)

Over the last 20 years governments have introduced various creative tax reliefs to enable organisations to claim back some of their production costs. Two of these – Orchestra Tax Relief and Theatre Tax Relief – are already being used by Making Music members to claim back an average 23% of their concert and event costs. Especially now that a higher rate of relief has been made permanent in the spring budget, these tax reliefs can make a significant contribution to groups’ budgets and facilitate growth and activity.



United Kingdom

How to make your group easy to find online with SEO

It can be very difficult to get new people to discover your music group. But with our handy resource for beginners, you too can start using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to improve your website’s search rankings.


Online member meetup (Wales)

Running your group is a rewarding but challenging role. Our regular meetups are a chance for you to meet and share learning and ideas with other Wales groups facing similar challenges, explore specific issues affecting leisure-time music making in Wales and consider how we can work collaboratively to find solutions and advocate for the sector. 

Stephen McNally, Wales manager, will be leading this session.

N.B. this event was originally scheduled to take place on 24th January but will now be taking place on 31 January.

In this meetup we'll:


United Kingdom

Making Music census comparison survey

Understanding how the demographics of your members or audiences compare to the make-up of your geographical community can be helpful when planning your strategy, performances, or community engagement plans.  

We have created a census comparison survey to help leisure-time music groups collect data from people who belong to your group, or attend your events, so you can directly compare it to the UK government's Census 2021.  

Case study: Growing your membership with the Llysfaen Singers

Joanna Burdett, chair of Llysfaen Singers, tells us how, by making small changes over time, the choir have managed to successfully grow their membership.